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Thursday, 23 February 2017 09:27
The INNSA Conference is being held on Thursday 30th March 2017 at The Riverside Centre, Pride Park, Derby and a variety of industry speakers will be there with updates on the latest issues relating to invasive species.
Thursday, 05 January 2017 09:47
Industry leading protection for clients of INNSA members. The Invasive Non-Native Specialists Association (INNSA) has announced the introduction of a new 10 year Insurance Backed Guarantee (IBG) scheme for use by its members who all subscribe to the Invasives Code.
Tuesday, 15 November 2016 00:00
The November edition of the new format INNSA Newsletter is now available to download below.
Monday, 24 October 2016 10:40
James Sherwood-Rogers, INNSA Chairman, was invited to speak on LBC’s Thursday evening Property Hour.
Thursday, 01 September 2016 14:55
INNS Code renamed as the Invasives Code.