INNS Code renamed as the Invasives Code.
The Invasive Non-Native Specialists Association (INNSA) has announced that with effect from 1st September, the Invasive Non-Native Species (INNS) Code of Practice will be known as the Invasives Code. The Code will continue to be regulated by the independent Property Codes Compliance Board (PCCB).
Mike Clough, past Chairman of INNSA said, “’renaming the Code is designed to make it much clearer for consumers and businesses exactly what the Code is about. Further it will be easier for the wide range of property professionals that are engaged with our industry to relate to what the Code means for them and their clients.”
The Invasives Code is designed to provide reassurance for property owners, and the professions and industries that serve them that they can rely on the remediation work of Code subscribers. The Code not only requires subscribers to meet the demanding technical standards set by INNSA, it also sets out minimum warranty and insurance requirements, consumer service levels and complaint handling processes.
Kate Davies, Chairman of the PCCB said, “renaming the Code makes it much clearer what it relates to for both consumers and businesses that are using the services of Code subscribers. It is our job as the regulator of the Code to make sure that subscribers live up to the demanding standards laid out in the Code. I welcome anything that makes it easier for customers of Code subscribers to identify with using the services of quality remediators.”
Code subscribers will have until the end of 2016 to update any materials carrying the INNS Code logo with the new Invasives Code logo.