Following the INNSA Conference in March, the INNSA secretariat has been primarily occupied in making the final edits to the new Code of Practice for managing Japanese Knotweed and fine tuning the presentation and production of the printed document. The new Code has taken many months to draft with comprehensive input from across the INNSA membership and represents a complete revision to, and replacement of, the old Environment Agency Code.

The new Code is more than just a first-class document setting out the authoritative approach to managing and traveling Japanese knotweed it is also the standard by which all INNSA members will be bound in serving their customers. The Code is available for purchase and details will be found elsewhere in this Newsletter.

INNSA expects that the new knotweed Management Code will be well received by the remediation industry as a whole that as a result many companies will make the decision to subscribe to the Invasives Code and join INNSA. Ultimately it is about setting robust but appropriate standards for our industry that all remediators aspire to and which create a level playing field for all companies in the industry to compete.

The secretariat is also planning a new round of engagement with important stakeholders such as local authorities, developers, mortgage lenders, surveyors and Conveyancers to build awareness of the new knotweed Code, the consumer facing Invasives Code and the recently introduced insurance backed warranty available from INNSA members.

Planning for the INNSA Conference in 2018 is already underway and the date and location have been set as 25th January at the Riverside Centre in Derby once again. For more information, please either email or call 0800 1300 485. We urge you to put the date in the diary for what is becoming generally accepted as the most comprehensive event in the Invasives calendar.