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Ebsford Environmental
Accredited Contractor and Consultant Member (Pending Verification)
Leading the way in bespoke environmental and ecological remediation solutions. Ebsford Environmental specialises in the specification and implementation of leading edge, bespoke environmental and ecological remediation solutions to the UK’s property, construction & development market. Whilst we offer a convenient end-to-end full-service solution, the specialist expertise and experience within Ebsford is second to none. We are leading experts and innovators in the field of aquatic remediation and invasive species & vegetation management. We are also pioneers in new technologies and techniques for the eradication and management of Japanese Knotweed.
Company Information
Company: Ebsford Environmental
Company Type: Accredited INNSA Contractor Member
Accredited: Yes
Address: Adam Suite, The Nostell Estate, Nostell, Wakefield, WF4 1AB
Contact: Nick Hartley
Tel: 01924 802 190
Position: Managing Director
Clients- Business:Yes
Waste Carriers License: Yes
Mobile Treatment Permit: Yes
Environmental permit: Yes
PI Insurance: Yes
Hired in plant insurance: Yes
Employers liability insurance: Yes
Public Liability insurance: Yes
Number of Staff: 5
Email: [email protected]
Certifications, Accreditations, Registrations and Memberships:
First Aid: Yes
H&S: Yes
Asbestos Aware: Yes
CAT Scan Cert: Yes
Mobile Treatment Permit: Yes
Relevant Degrees or professional qualifications: Yes
Relevant Degree Details: BSC Environmental Engineering/ WMAITAB
PA1: Yes
PA6: Yes
PA6AW: Yes
Chainsaw: Yes
Brushcutter: Yes
Maintenance Equipment Safety: Yes
LOCATIONS: All Regions