Here you’ll find a full list of INNSA members. You can find a more detailed company profile which includes accreditations, qualifications held, which locations covered and all species dealt with, when you click read more under each profile.
Corserv Solutions Limited
Accredited Contractor and Consultant Member (Pending Verification)
Corserv Solutions Ltd is a company wholly owned by Cornwall Council and delivers the front line services for the Council. We have over twenty years of expertise and experience in treating and eradicating many invasive plants such as Japanese knotweed in both the commercial and residential markets. Covering Cornwall and the South West Region, we are a cutting edge company with a proactive approach to invasive weed management and Japanese knotweed treatment and removal. Our specialist team can offer both consultancy and contracting work ranging from site surveys, survey reports and method statements to control and eradicate invasive plants such as Japanese knotweed infestations. All surveys are undertaken by an experienced and qualified surveyor. Once a survey has been completed, the most appropriate option for eradication is discussed and agreed with our Client. All contracting work is undertaken by fully qualified staff who hold relevant PA qualifications. Corserv can also provide a range of environmental and ecological advice from Phase 1 Habitat Surveys, to bespoke ecological advice, and environmental improvements such as planting and landscape projects.
Corserv Solutions
Company: Corserv Solutions
Company Type: Accredited INNSA Consultant and Contractor Member
Accredited: Yes
Address: Western Group Centre, Radnor Road, Redruth, Cornwall, TR16 5EH, UK
Contact: Tim Bird
Tel: 01872 324924
Position: National Environment Advisor
Locations: All Regions
Clients- Private Individuals: Yes
Clients- Business:Yes
Waste Carriers Licence: Yes
Environmental Permit: Yes
PI Insurance: Yes
Hired in Plant Insurance:
Public Liability Insurance: Yes
Number of staff:
First Aid: Yes
PA1: Yes
PA6: Yes
PA6AW: Yes
Chainsaw: Yes
Articulated Dumper: Yes
Forward Tipping Tracked Dumper:Yes
Dedicated Surveyors: Yes
Japanese Knotweed (Fallopia japonica)
Himalayan Balsam (Impatiens glandulifera)
Giant Hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum)
Giant Rhubarbs (Gunnera species)
Horsetail (Equisetum species)
Ragwort (Senecio jacobaea)
Rhododendron (Rhododendron ponticum)